Kaizen – How you can end up wasting your whole life
Written by Yusuf Buyukaslan on Jun. 22nd 2020
The course of an average day is usually the same. If someone would ask you on a mundane day “What happened today?” you would have to stop & think and only come up with “I don’t know…”

That’s how usually 95% of our days go. It’s rare (maybe only 2 – 3x in our lifetime) that a day can completely change the direction of your life.

So where are you heading in life? Are you approaching your days with intention? If you usually can’t answer properly what you did today, you have been probably drifting through your day and sucked in by outside forces like: social media, the news, drama, etc. and before you know it another day has passed. You have probably wasted 95% of your day. If this common for you, that means only 1 – 5 % of your day have a meaning. That’s a tragedy.

“Kaizen – a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc.”

So you have to be set on this idea that you have to maximize the use of all of your days, if you’re going to amount to anything in life. You need to look back precisely at the end of your day: “What was the most significant thing that happened to me today? How will it influence my life tomorrow?” When you can do this your life will become progressive. Most people live day to day where the events of yesterday don’t build on the events of today and the events of today don’t build on the events of tomorrow. That means their life will simply go on a flat line till the day they die.

If we can make a concerted effort to build one day upon another. Even if it’s a really small thing (and in most cases it will be a small thing because it’s rare that something monumental happens). You need to take a small piece of progress (it may not be very big) and add that to your performance tomorrow. If you can do this consistently for 5, 10, or 15 years something remarkable can happen.

It’s so easy just to let a day go and say: “I’ll try again tomorrow.” But until you get a sense of one day building upon another towards a goal, you will never achieve anything. You will just drift through life, look back and wonder what you did your whole life. It may not be anything significant.

Be intentional about doing something that will make your life better

You may literally reinvent yourself in 5 years. Improve your life daily, even on a small percentage point and add day by day. You will create this compound interest effect where after 5 years something quite remarkable can happen and you may have an entirely new skillset.

It’s up to us to do this though because our natural tendencies is to run into each other. When you look back by the end of the week, you will just wonder “What happened?” It’s so easy to let this to happen. There are so many distractions in life that can grab your attention and pull you in every direction. Only to end up losing a day, a week, a month, a year, or even a decade.

It is up to us to ask: What was significant? How is that going to build into my life tomorrow? And how does it relate to the goals I have?

You can do remarkable things and reinvent yourself many times over the period of your life. In 5 years you can become a master in the area you desire. 5 years is not a long time. Just be INTENTIONAL every day. I want you to go ahead and ask yourself:

What is required of me to reach this goal?

Yusuf Buyukaslan

Yusuf is an entrepreneur and mental performance coach. Understanding the importance of an individual’s mentality, he has dedicated his life to creating high performance athletes by helping them cultivate mental fortitude to overcome any adversity. With his Bachelors in Psychology and Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology with a Mental Performance Mastery Certification, he’s able to transform individuals and help them reach their goals. Currently his goal is to help every individual develop the right mindset that overcomes every obstacle allowing them to perform at a highest level.
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